Caitlin, Rosa, Rachel, Jenny, and Sarah |
Usually, when I tell people I am on BYU's Colorguard they ask if I get to travel to away games. Sadly, no, except for two. The first was the Utah State vs BYU game in Logan, UT. So what does that mean? Field Trip!!!
So on Friday afternoon, all the guardgirls loaded onto a charter bus and headed to Logan, a two and a half hour drive. So what do guardgirls do when we are stuck on a bus? Talk about boys. And watch awesome movies. And enjoy the orange and red covered trees as we pass by them. At last, we made it to Logan.
Since we were the visiting team, the band did not have to do pregame which was nice. Instead we watched the Aggie Band do their thing from the very top of the stadium. Then, the really bad football began. I don't know what is up with BYU... Well, I do. It's their freshman quarterback. But Cougar football is just doing terribly this year. I don't think we will make it to a bowl game, which is fine with me. That means I can go home for Christmas!!!
Allison and I after the game |
So after an hour of embarrassing football, the Cougar Band made our way down to the field to show that the Y can produce amazing things. While we were down there, one of the drunk guys in the crowd started shouting to the colorguard, telling us to transfer to Utah State. He kept on saying that we were the hottest colorguard he'd ever seen. The guard was cracking up. But finally he was quieted when the show began. Our show was short for that game, only 90 seconds long. But it went well. Then, the guard hustled around the field and unrolled the American Flag.
The bad football continued after half-time, but the girls didn't care. We were having too much fun in the stands. We sang songs, talked, and ate apples from the Aggie Band. Finally, the game was over so we loaded back onto the bus and headed back to Provo.
Yay for colorguard!!! |