Disclaimer: Boys-- when we girls are together without you, crazy things happen.
That's why I love my guard sisters.
Anywho, this year the Cougar Marching Band is doing a James Bond show to celebrate 25 years of "shaken, not stirred." And let's just say that some of us guard girls have taken this whole Bond thing to heart.
It all began after the guard went to the Timpanogas Temple Friday night. Because of miscommunication, my car heads to the wrong Sonic for treats afterwards. So my car abandons the whole Sonic venture and drives over to In n Out (a much better choice).
Outside the Timpanogas Temple
Nuffer, Angela, Hannah, and Quinn at In n Out
There we change out of our dresses and into more comfortable clothing (aka aladdin pants).
My favorite part of this pic? The kids in the background.
We were waiting for our food, making fun of Quinn for being an In n Out virgin (she's not anymore). Then, a boy from Nuffer's class walks in. And he's cute. So we prod Nuffer to go chat with him. And since she's a gutsy chica (so jealous), she's fakes a need for straws and strikes up a conversation with the boy. Meanwhile, the rest of us are admiring and mocking Nuffer's bravery.
This is when things get interesting.
I don't know if it was the fact I was wearing aladdin pants in public or what, but I have the great idea of taking pictures of Nuffer talking to this boy. So Angela takes my camera and sneaks over to some plants and snaps some pics of Nuffer and boy through the leaves.
We made sure we didn't get his face, for privacy reasons.
While of this crazy is going on, I notice that the couple in the booth next to us were watching and cracking up at our behavior. I didn't mind. Honestly, I would do the same if I was in their position. And then, I'd probably write a blog post about it.
At last, all of food was ready, so Nuffer ends the conversation with the boy and comes back to our table. The boy? Walks over and sits with the couple in the booth next to us. Let's just say that we book it out of there, trying not to bust out laughing.
Later, we found out that couple was the boy's sister and her boyfriend. Hilarious, right?
And... Nuffer got a date.
She is my gutsy hero.