
No Camera

So I think there's a monster in my room that eating all of my things, cause I have misplaced a lot in the last week.

Most notably, my camera.

So that's why there hasn't been a lot on the blog. I want to share my pictures with you, but there aren't any pictures to share. :(

Please forgive me.

At least I can rent out cameras for free in the library. So there will be pictures soon.

But besides the disappearance of my camera (and my gray t-shirt and my skillets), life is good. Stressful, but good.

Midterms have started. But I already beasted my Isys test and I have confidence that Marketing and Web Fundamentals will be a breeze. I just have to be ready for my arts test (straight up essay test...ugh!).

So I guess I better stop writing this and study for that. But have a marvelous weekend!! (The Cougars won! YES!!!)


Wonderful and Weird Wednesday

The life of a BYU guard girl is always crazy, but I have to say, I love it. Here's the second installment of my new blog feature- Wonderful and Weird Wednesdays.

  • Free breakfast and lunch thanks to the lovely people at Loreal. 
  • Watching EviDance with Angela, watched this ah-mazing dance to one of my favorite songs. Here's a video of the couple performing at DanceSport.
  • My Women in Entrepreneurship class. Women can do anything they set their minds to. Amen. 
  • Hanging out with the trombone section all day Saturday. Who knew that trombones could be cool? I do now. 

  • Getting hit on by a guy named Chasen at Sonic. Nuffer and I were just innocently dancing while we were waiting for our food. Then, he came over and asked us to be in a music video. Pretty much, he told a really awkward but intricate story. And gave us his number. I deleted it. 
  • My thought process while watching Casino Royale, especially the scene when Vesper is crying in the shower in her 1K+ dress and Bond comes and comforts her. My mind? "I wish Bond would join me in the shower"... wait...sometimes I can be really naive. 
  • Ute fans. Is it that hard to get off the field? Although BYU lost anyway. Sad day. 


Hump Day

It's that magical day that means the week is half way over. For me, that means one more day of classes and then three day weekend!! (every weekend, be jealous!)

To celebrate this momentous day, I am starting a new section.

Wonderful and Weird Wednesdays

So to start with the WONDERFUL.
  • BYU beat Weber 44-13.
  • Being a bad influence with Nuffer and getting soft serve at Costco.
  • Walking by a random boy that just smells SO good.
  • Just learned that the Dean of the Marriott School cares about my blog. WHAT!! So cool!
  • I get to meet with executives from Loreal for breakfast on Friday. Who says that the Marriott School doesn't give you AWESOME opportunities?
And now with the WEIRD.
  • Getting the perfect spot (between myself and his friend) so that cute boy will sit by me. AND THEN, he sits on the other side of his friend. 
  • Trying to keep up with good smelling random boy so I can continue to enjoy his cologne (he smelled ah-mazing, who can blame me?).
  • Getting a pep-talk in the middle of band ("Sarah, you are a smart and independent woman. And you're a business major which means you don't need a man to pay your bills!")
Well, I'm off to go eat free pizza and mingle with other marketing majors!

Peace out!


Over 2000 Pageviews!!!


Thanks everyone for taking the time to read the weird (and probably boring) things that occur in this little guard girl's life. I appreciate it.

I am always looking for ways to improve my blog. If you want more crazy stories like this or love to check out my closet (especially the shoes), feel free to comment. I will listen.

And to celebrate here is a cute little song I discovered on Spotify. The music video has like a billin sunflowers in it, and sunflowers are happy! And I'm happy that there are 2000 pageviews!



Just Another Week

Our shower wouldn't turn on last weekend. We fixed it and then it couldn't turn off.

Yay for patchy sunburns! But tubing down the Provo River was worth it!

Bob the Builder= Angela

Can she fix it? Yes she CAN!!

Who knew the Temple could be so dangerous? Keriann's injury after falling up the stairs.

Creeper pictures of Nuffer flirting with a boy.

Don't mess with us. We have 8 foot poles.

Captain Janell reading a letter from Guard friend(?) Malicious.

Oh the adventures of college life.

The Name's Bond

Disclaimer: Boys-- when we girls are together without you, crazy things happen.

That's why I love my guard sisters.

Anywho, this year the Cougar Marching Band is doing a James Bond show to celebrate 25 years of "shaken, not stirred." And let's just say that some of us guard girls have taken this whole Bond thing to heart.

It all began after the guard went to the Timpanogas Temple Friday night. Because of miscommunication, my car heads to the wrong Sonic for treats afterwards. So my car abandons the whole Sonic venture and drives over to In n Out (a much better choice).

Outside the Timpanogas Temple

Nuffer, Angela, Hannah, and Quinn at In n Out

There we change out of our dresses and into more comfortable clothing (aka aladdin pants).

My favorite part of this pic? The kids in the background.

We were waiting for our food, making fun of Quinn for being an In n Out virgin (she's not anymore). Then, a boy from Nuffer's class walks in. And he's cute. So we prod Nuffer to go chat with him. And since she's a gutsy chica (so jealous), she's fakes a need for straws and strikes up a conversation with the boy. Meanwhile, the rest of us are admiring and mocking Nuffer's bravery.

This is when things get interesting.

I don't know if it was the fact I was wearing aladdin pants in public or what, but I have the great idea of taking pictures of Nuffer talking to this boy. So Angela takes my camera and sneaks over to some plants and snaps some pics of Nuffer and boy through the leaves.

We made sure we didn't get his face, for privacy reasons.

While of this crazy is going on, I notice that the couple in the booth next to us were watching and cracking up at our behavior. I didn't mind. Honestly, I would do the same if I was in their position. And then, I'd probably write a blog post about it.

At last, all of food was ready, so Nuffer ends the conversation with the boy and comes back to our table. The boy? Walks over and sits with the couple in the booth next to us. Let's just say that we book it out of there, trying not to bust out laughing.

Later, we found out that couple was the boy's sister and her boyfriend. Hilarious, right?

And... Nuffer got a date.

She is my gutsy hero.


Alimento Para el Espíritu y el Estómago

Yes, my title is in Spanish. Why? Well, continue reading and the answer shall be manifest unto you.

This year, the BYU Colorguard is starting a new tradition. Every Saturday, the guard will get together and visit the temple(going to different temples, since there are so many so close). Today was the first day. The temple? Draper.

For me, it all started with my alarm going off at six this morning. I hit the snooze button (six is too early) and finally awoke to have one of my roommates come in and invite me to go to the temple. What a crazy random happenstance! (to understand this reference, check out Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog, you won't regret it.) She was going to Provo so I politely declined and at 7:45, headed out to pick up some of the other girls. By 7:15, seven of the guard girls plus our drum line priesthood and our captain's roommate were on the road to Draper, Utah. 

The inside of the Draper Temple was beautiful. Like a really classy hotel. Warm toned walls with dark wood. But even better than the beautiful interior was the Spirit in the place. There is a wonderful peace in the Temple, making it a place to contemplate decisions or seek guidance. Today, I was seeking goals for the semester. And I got them. And surprisingly to me, they were spiritually based. I'll share a few.

  • Become charitable
  • Increase the amount of service I do
  • Have an open heart
This is interesting because usually my goals are more task based like start a business or go on six dates this semester. Honestly, those are a lot less daunting than my goals this semester. 

After we finished at the Temple, we all headed to Kneader's Bakery for their french toast. Let me tell you: they have good french toast. For only $5!. And you can eat as much as you want!!!!!! But there is a downside: it's really hard to get through your first two slices. Not only did I try to get through my french toast(I failed), I also tried Kneader's new White Chocolate and Berry frappe. And it was heaven. Frappes always are. As we feasted, we laughed over the guys pictures of their former haircuts and facial hair. There was almost everything--helmet head, goatees, the swoosh. It was special.

As we were driving back home, we ran into an awesome surprise. There was a Latin-American festival in downtown Provo! Since two of the girls in the car served their missions in South America, we stopped and explored the festivities. We were wondering through when we discovered the main stage, where they were doing zumba. ZUMBA!! My absolute favorite way to exercise!! So I dragged Rachel and my "little sister" Solangie onto the stage to do some zumba--in heels and skirts. Cause we cool like that. I had a blast. And doing all the steps in heels just made the experience 10x better. And we might be doing zumba in colorguard in the near future. (insert excitement sounds)

And the best part of this whole story is that it all happened before noon!

As for the title, what does it mean?

Food for the Spirit and the Stomach. 

Fitting, don't you think?