
DCI and Funny T-shirts

There is some light in Utah. While checking out the DCI website last week, I stumbled upon a link to Corps Encore, a DCI competition in Ogden, UT. And even better, it was happening Wednesday night! So I bought tickets for my mother, my sister and I for a night of guard indulgence.
Now if you don't know what DCI is DCI stands for Drum Corp International. Basically, it's like marching band to the extreme. It is similar to a marching band, the obvious difference is that they do not have a winds section, only horns and drums. There are about 40 corps across the United States and each corp travels around the country during the summer performing their show, finally ending in Indianapolis for the DCI World Finals. Corps Encore was an event where popular West Coast Corps like the Blue Devils, Santa Clara Vanguard, and the Blue Knights performed the shows they have been working on since Memorial Day.
After the show, we headed over to the booths where they were selling t-shirts, here are a couple of shirts that I think every guardgirl would appreciate. I bought the top one and am absolutely excited to wear it at guard practices.

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