
Holi Pictures

What a beautiful face!
Hey hey hey! Look where I'm at!
Ali trying to hit me with some chalk. Pretty epic jump, huh?
Standing on top of the temple, the crazy
crowd below


Spring is back!

It's amazing what sunlight and 50 degrees Fahrenheit can do to the BYU campus and my soul. I am sitting on the grass in front of the JKB, soaking in the sunlight and people watching. There are people everywhere: people on benches, people sleeping on the lawn, people having picnics. Life has come back to BYU.
I've missed this.
Winter was nasty. Campus was a cold, barren wasteland. Gray was the color of the day, everyday. And with all that grayness came seasonal depression. Waking up in the morning was a chore. Motivation was hard to come by. And it was all so new to me because I was an Arizona girl. Winter doesn't exist in Mesa, Arizona. So my first winter was interesting, to say the least.
But as I walked to my Calculus lab yesterday morning, I noticed something unusual. It was sunny. I have never seen the sun at 8:40 in the morning. I was either asleep (first semester) or the shy was a sallow shade of gray (second semester).  That's when I knew: Spring has arrived. In just two sunny, warm days, so much has changed. I am more happy and positive. I am getting more things done. I can finally see summer just around the corner. It is all so exciting!

So Spring, welcome back. I have surely missed you.


Curly Top

My friend Kevin has really curly hair. REALLY curly! Totally a white man's fro. And he has never really seen his hair straight. So Jiffer and I took it upon ourselves to help him. And with the help of a Ms. CHI and a Mr. Solia and some support from the girls of 1813 and Sam and Jacob, Jiffer and I straightened Kevin's curly locks. Here are some pictures.
The "before" picture
In the middle of the straightening
process, sides straight, front curly
"You think I'm pretty?"

"So soft!"
Any drastic hair-do needs a good
amount of hairspray


Me No Likee Skates

Announcement to the world: Sarah Toller will NEVER go roller skating again. EVER!!

I should have known going to the ward party at the roller skating rink was a bad idea. I mean, shouldn't I have learned from the past? Sixth grade. Paige Davis and I go to a skating party at Skateland for a school party. I don my roller skates, excited for a new experience. Confident in my abilities, I had been roller blading for years now. But alas, roller skates are not the same as roller blades. I fell and I fell and I fell. I was so bad, that a girl pushed me down and shouted "You suck!". I was heart-broken and the skating rink become a place of embarrassment and pain to me ever since.

And it was the same tonight. Finally, after 20 minutes of mediocre skating, three falls, and a shattered self-esteem, my fellow ward member Celeste recommended I switch to a scooter. Good idea, I thought to myself. And at first it was. I was now going faster than any of those roller-skaters. I was doing battements and piques. I was having a ball.

But my joy was not to last. In an attempt to do a one-legged squat on my Razr, I totally biffed it. Arms flailing, I slammed into the floor, pain shooting through my body. To make it worse, an innocent roller skater crashed and landed on me, pounding my head against the floor again, causing a concussion. Since I was mostly fine, I got up and continued doing what I had been doing before.

A couple songs, a NSYNC dance, and a game later, I was scooting my way around the rink when I collided with a skater who swerved in my path. I bumped my chin on her back causing another concussion. I was done for the night.

So my injuries for the night are: bruised cheekbone, scratched chin, bleeding wound on my finger, a concussion, a broken ring, and a cracked cellphone. Not to mention, a semi-tramatized Sarah.

So I have learned a lesson: when the ward goes to the skating rink, don't go. Instead, stay home, finish your homework and make brownies to share with my beloved friends.


No Capes, Only Men

It's a bird, no it's a plane, NO it's the Mr. Heritage Competition!!

So the past month has been filled with jokes, push-ups, and dancing as I helped organize and choreograph the Mr. Heritage competition. Mr. Heritage is a spoof of a beauty pageant put on by RHA every year, complete with evening wear, talent, and world peace.

Working hard at Mr. Heritage practice

 These boys worked their butts off for Mr. Heritage. Every week, they gave up 5 to 6 hours to do whatever we choreographers asked them to do. For example, first night of practice, Aubree had them do V sit-ups (basically, sit-ups with your legs in the air forming a V). They didn't need to do that. It was just a source of laughs for us in charge. hehe.

Crazy fans with awesome signs

At last the big day arrived. We estimated that about 400 people would attend. In reality, 500 people showed up for the big event. The crowd was crazy!!! People made signs. People started loud chants, screaming the name of their candidate.
one kid even brought one of those trumpet horn thing from the World Cup. The energy in Wilk 3220 was intense. So intense that no could hear the music for the opening number! I was freaking out a little, but the boys pulled through despite the complications and rocked the opening number. I was so proud of them. I was screaming their names, bouncing in my seat, even blowing kisses like an energized italian, they were that amazing.

After a short game of Superhero trivia, the boys showed their personalities during the Evening wear and Question and Answer section. Some honorable mentions were Tyson's pjs and pillow pet and Sam's top hat and cane. The answers to the questions and situations were hilarious. When asked what he would do if he walked in on his roommate making out with a girl in his room, Tysum replied, "Well, it depends on if the girl is hot." Um...

Then it was the fitness routine. I was backstage where I totally made a fool of myself. My job was to set the props needed for the fitness routine. I was taking a yoga ball onto the stage when I tripped and face-planted onto the stage with a loud thud. I was mortified. But luckily, everyone was too enthralled with the contestants' physiques to notice my fall. Whew! The fitness routine featured push-ups, tricky jumping jacks, jump ropes, yoga balls, and steps. When the music stopped and the boys fell to the ground in exhaustion, the crowd was hysterical.

Next was the talent portion. All the boys had great talents. James B and crew wore Glow-in-the-dark stick people suits and did... well I don't what they did, but it was pretty cool. Jordan performed a Mario skit, which the audience really liked. And Michael performed a Napoleon Dynamite inspired dance, complete with the Happy Hands Club.

The studly men themselves: (from left to right, back row) Sam,
James B, James K, Michael, Jordan, RT, Tyson (front row) Josh, Tysum,
Jared, and Matzen

Before I knew it, it was time to announce the winner. And the 2011 Mr. Heritage winner was... Michael Gebhard!!! Way to represent the BYU 68th ward Michael!! But all the boys could have been Mr. Heritage. They are all so amazing! A great group of young men, fo sho!

So Mr. Heritage is over and I once again have free time. Still, Mr. Heritage will live on as an incredible memory from my freshman year at BYU.