Announcement to the world: Sarah Toller will NEVER go roller skating again. EVER!!

I should have known going to the ward party at the roller skating rink was a bad idea. I mean, shouldn't I have learned from the past? Sixth grade. Paige Davis and I go to a skating party at Skateland for a school party. I don my roller skates, excited for a new experience. Confident in my abilities, I had been roller blading for years now. But alas, roller skates are not the same as roller blades. I fell and I fell and I fell. I was so bad, that a girl pushed me down and shouted "You suck!". I was heart-broken and the skating rink become a place of embarrassment and pain to me ever since.
And it was the same tonight. Finally, after 20 minutes of mediocre skating, three falls, and a shattered self-esteem, my fellow ward member Celeste recommended I switch to a scooter. Good idea, I thought to myself. And at first it was. I was now going faster than any of those roller-skaters. I was doing battements and piques. I was having a ball.

But my joy was not to last. In an attempt to do a one-legged squat on my Razr, I totally biffed it. Arms flailing, I slammed into the floor, pain shooting through my body. To make it worse, an innocent roller skater crashed and landed on me, pounding my head against the floor again, causing a concussion. Since I was mostly fine, I got up and continued doing what I had been doing before.
A couple songs, a NSYNC dance, and a game later, I was scooting my way around the rink when I collided with a skater who swerved in my path. I bumped my chin on her back causing another concussion. I was done for the night.
So my injuries for the night are: bruised cheekbone, scratched chin, bleeding wound on my finger, a concussion, a broken ring, and a cracked cellphone. Not to mention, a semi-tramatized Sarah.
So I have learned a lesson: when the ward goes to the skating rink, don't go. Instead, stay home, finish your homework and make brownies to share with my beloved friends.
A few things.
ReplyDelete1. I hate roller rinks too. So many traumatizing experiences as a young person.
2. I'm glad you switched to the scooter. But. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. :(
3. Geez, two concussions? You feeling okay? Lemmie know if you need cookies, mmkay?
Love, Me
Don't worry, we won't go to a skating rink in France, I promise! Bon rétablissement! :)