It's 2 AM in the morning in Utah, but 9 AM in France. The flight attendents just served breakfast of an egg sandwich, a banana, and orange juice. I ate half the banana and sipped the OJ and ignored the egg sandwich.
It's nice to finally be on the plane.
I have been feeling nervous and insecure most of yesterday. All my insecurities about this trip seemed to heighten as I sat in the terminal, waiting to board my flight. Around me were french families speaking french or spanish so rapidly I couldn't get my head around it. That really enhanced my worries. But once I was on the plane I felt better. I had the attitude of Well I can't turn back now, so I could only look ahead. Also, I had a 2 seats to myself which was fabulous!! Especially when it was time to sleep.
I was disapointed with the plane. When I flew Delta last year to NYC, I had a personal tv screen so I could play games and watch movies that I wanted to watch. So I figured it would be the same on this flight. Nope. TVs were set up above the aisles like normal planes. I was bummed. I had banked on playing the super fun trivia game and beating everyone like I did when I went to NY. Oh well.
I am flying over England right now!! I can see the beautiful country I love from my window. I can even see the town of Brighton, how cool is that?
I slept like 5 hours on the plane. Being able to lay out on the seats was critical. It was a spmewhat comfortable position, better than trying to sleep sitting up. I also took a sleeping pill which forced me to continue sleeping and go in and out of sleep.
Now I am flying over France. Super crazy because I am flying over a country I have never seen before. What I've noticed about both France and England is how cultivated the land is. France, so far, looks pastoral. I cannot believe I will be in Paris in 10 minutes! I accomplished my goal of seeing France!!
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