
Curly Top

My friend Kevin has really curly hair. REALLY curly! Totally a white man's fro. And he has never really seen his hair straight. So Jiffer and I took it upon ourselves to help him. And with the help of a Ms. CHI and a Mr. Solia and some support from the girls of 1813 and Sam and Jacob, Jiffer and I straightened Kevin's curly locks. Here are some pictures.
The "before" picture
In the middle of the straightening
process, sides straight, front curly
"You think I'm pretty?"

"So soft!"
Any drastic hair-do needs a good
amount of hairspray

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. THAT'S WHO THAT WAS?! He was sitting in front of me and I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out who it was!!! HAHA!
