
Three Weeks

Only three weeks...only three weeks...only three weeks

This has been my mantra since Saturday. Only three more weeks in Provo and then I am home for a month!!! It's been two and a half years since I have spent a month in Mesa.

And I am so excited.

Being home for 8 full days for Thanksgiving was great. It was so nice to escape the drama of Provo. Not that Provo is overly dramatic, but there are boy-problems, homework, trying to figure out my future, etc. In Mesa, I could take a break from all that. Instead, I read books, took baths, and watched a lot of football. And let's not forget the ah-mazing Arizonan weather.

I mean there are always some cons about being home. One is chores. I may be still a little bitter about cleaning the garage rather than watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

But overall, I'm excited to spend a month not freezing my butt off in Utah.

But I digress.

Three weeks.

Three weeks to wrap up my college life. Three weeks to say goodbye to those I might never see again (not to sound morose, but lots of girls are leaving on their missions and I'll be graduated when they return). Three weeks to each as much of my remaining food as I can.

Three weeks to get the most out of Provo as I can.

Mission accepted.


Life is a Highway

I am home!!! And enjoying the 80 degree weather. Yes, be jealous. 

Here are some pictures from one of the best roadtrips of my life. Thanks Crystal for being my pal as we hung out with cowboys, got creeped out by giant Santas, and encountered singing balloons.


Wonderful and Weird Wednesday


  • I'm moving to Hong Kong!! Yay for making decisions!
  • I'm going to Mesa for Thanksgiving and I'm going to have a whole week there! A whole week!!!
  • Getting to wave a 30 foot streamer from the balcony of the De Jong hall. One moment, I was nobody and the next I had a dozen cameras focused on me. 
  • Admirers (albeit 5 year old ones). As I was preparing and cleaning up after previous streamer moment, my band director's young son was following me around saying "pretty girl, pretty girl". Now if only I can enchant someone my own age...
  • Spontaneous trips to Barnes and Nobles to get a Caramel Apple Spice. Goodness, I forgot how much I miss books and Starbucks. 
  • This picture


  • Driving in a snowstorm (Arizona standards) to colorguard practice and fishtailing in the parking lot. 
  • Falling twice on my face during pre-game. Hopefully, I will soon take the time to document the whole ordeal on this blog. 
  • Dating seminars. Especially when you get called to do a role play about getting asked on a date and maybe blurted to your role play partner that you saw him at the game last night cause he was sitting 4 rows in front of you and having him totally not remember and get a little weirded out all in front of a group of people you have to see almost everyday. 
  • The strong, overpowering need for some snuggles. Darn you winter!


Pin the Tail on the Random Citizen?

I belong to the deadliest Home Evening group ever! We're so deadly that we are known as the Deadly Seventh.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, every Monday, a few kids in my apartment complex get together and do a fun activity. Usually, it's pretty short since all of us are busy college students with homework.

To make our Home Evening group a little cooler, we added a theme, "Kill with Kindness", emphasis on the kill. So our activities have an assassin, ninja, superspy feel to them. 

Like tonight. 

Location: Macey's Grocery Store

Objective: pin the clothespin to a random citizen without them knowing

After a super hunt to discover where to buy clothespins, we were ready for our mission. Landon went out first with no success. Then Brad. Finally, it was my turn. I surveyed my environment. My target, someone staring at a the rows of grocery products, so zoned in that they wouldn't notice me pinning a clothespin on them. I found that in the frozen foods section: a mom with her little kid scanning the take home pizzas. It was perfect. I casually made my way over to her, ready to strike...WAIT! Suddenly she was finished and started moving her cart. I tried to keep up with her, hoping she would stop again. But alas, she did not and I had to cut my losses. As I made my way back to my group, I spied a guy wearing a East High hoodie. Perfect. I crept up, quickly pinned him and briskly walked back to my group, trying not to bust out laughing.

Honestly, there is nothing more exhilarating than pinning someone for the first time. You feel invincible  You feel sneaky. You wonder to yourself why the CIA hasn't come begging for you to be a spy.

I had to let the other members of my group experience this marvelous experience. So we got our ice cream (50 cent cones at Macey's are AWESOME!) and my fellow Home Evening-ers started their quest to pin a random stranger.

And we were all successful. 

 On the way! We are just SOOOO excited! Especially Stephen.

 We wrote messages on our clothespin.

And we got ice cream.

Landon's victory pose after pinning his first victim.

Want to be in our Home Evening Group?

Too bad. It's exclusive.


Guilty Pleasures

After colorguard practice today, Nuffer and I ran to Macey's (the local grocery store) to grab some 77 cent pomegranates (cause I had one yesterday and forgot how delightful they are). Well there were no pomegranates in sight. And I might have made some impulse buys. And my night might have transformed from a serious night full of studying for midterms to a "unique" night indulging in some guilty pleasures.

Guilty Pleasure #1: Bread

More specifically French bread, from Macey's. Sophomore year, I honestly bought at least a loaf a week. Sometimes I would drive to Macey's just to grab a loaf when I craved it. It was rather sick. But I haven't bought a loaf of bread in over two months. My resolve was like stone, until tonight. I bought two loaves-- ate one of them tonight. And it was SO delicious.

Guilty Pleasure #2: Guarana

My dad served a LDS mission in Sao Paulo back in the day, so my family has been exposed to a lot of Brazilian food. One of our favorites is Guarana, a type of soda. It is muito delicioso! And Macey's had it on sale. But the selling point for me was it's secret amount of caffeine. You see, Guarana seeds have twice as much caffeine as coffee beans, yet because it's natural, caffeine is not mentioned on the bottle. It's secret caffeine!!! So I bought some and drank half the bottle, which is probably why I'm awake at 12:30 AM writing this blog post.

Guilty Pleasure #3: Chris Hemsworth

Another impulse buy tonight was a rental from the Redbox in front of Macey's. The movie? Snow White and the Huntsman. I got it because of Chris Hemsworth, but let's not lie, Charlize Theron is where it's at. She looks stunning in that movie, and positively evil. :)

Honestly, why aren't all the boys in love with her? Wait... they probably are. 

Guilty Pleasure #4: Men's Fashion Category on Pinterest

Yep, I said it. Sometimes, when I'm REALLY bored (or just need to be reassured that there ARE attractive men who dress well) I scroll through the Men's Fashion pins on Pinterest. All those tailored blazers, cable sweaters, and preppy shorts--my fashion glands are salivating. And the faces aren't bad either. There's a saying that states, "A well-tailored suit is to women as lingerie is to men." Totally agree. I'd much rather look at a man with his clothes on, especially when those clothes are Tommy Hilfiger. I mean what girl doesn't want to look at this?

Or this?


Do you have any great guilty pleasures?