
Band Camp 2012!!!

Guess what?!!!

BAND CAMP IS HERE!!!! (enter cheers, whistles, hallelujahs, etc.)

And because the colorguard is so awesome and hardcore, we started yesterday. And we hiked the Y. But we'll get to that later.

We showed up at the stadium at 8 in the morning. Some of us were veterans and found each other to catch up on our summers. Others were freshman, nervous and excited, for most of them this was their first day in P-Town. We gathered around and introduced ourselves. The 2012 BYU Colorguard is diverse: we have girls from all over the countries, all ages, all majors, and even skin color. It's going to be a great team.

Then we paired into our big sister/little sister groups. Big sisters help the little sisters with choreography and basically just look out for them during their first season at BYU. This year, my little sister is Solange Haynie from Branson, Missouri.

Honestly, I felt yesterday was pretty low key and easy. Maybe it's because it's my third year and we were just reviewing technique and the fight song and our pregame. Which I know pretty well. And I was in the front for both our daily run and on the Y hike. Pretty good for being out of shape.

But the best part of the day was hiking to the Y, a colorguard tradition. But this year, we added some flavor. We blindfolded the freshmen, drove them around Provo, and then led them to the gate at the Y. I really enjoyed this. Makes me think I would love being a sorority girl, with all that hazing. Is that bad? (Don't answer.)

We took it nice and easy, stopping every switchbacks to share things about ourselves like favorite ice cream flavor, favorite disney movie, and worst colorguard costumes. And honestly, some of those were REALLY bad. I mean, velvet unitards, nude bodysuits, and double snap leotards? Yuck!

I'm happy to say that the guard survived their first day of band camp. Now it's time to show what we are made of when band camp officially begins tomorrow!

BAND CAMP 2012!!!!!!

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