
How to Have Hot Friends and NOT Fall in Love With Them

Confession: I've never really had hot guy friends.

And yes, I probably just offended every guy friend I've ever had, but hear me out.

I'm not saying that my guy friends aren't attractive. They are. And they all have good personalities (otherwise we wouldn't hang out), but I've never had a guy friend who was mouth-watering, breath-takingly HOT.


Well that's because of my absolute failure at normal communication with anyone I am really attracted too. Infatuation is like the worst thing ever for me. Hint to boys: If I like you, we have no chance. I will just freak out and it'll be over before we know it. I have to take things slow.

And then there is the pathetic BYU mindset of seeing every boy I had feelings for as a potential husband, which just stresses me out. And I am aware at how stupid it is that I think that.

So when a super hot guy comes into my life, I am reduced to a pile of slobbering idiocy.

Until I came to Hong Kong.

Here I met some really attractive men. I mean, really attractive. Back at home, they would be snatched up in a second because they are so good looking. If I was in Provo, I would just tremble in their presence.

But in Hong Kong, I don't. In Hong Kong, they are just regular people with histories and ideas. I just like to talk to them. And that's that. No gazing into their eyes. No trying to make myself sound witty and look sexy. No imagining what our future children would look like (Not that I ever do that...often).

No, they are just friends.

And it's liberating.

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